
Using images in ABPro


ABPro 3.0.6 introduced the use of ddSlick to display images in dropdown lists for selecting Category, Resource and/or Service.

This How-to shows setup and operation with ddSlick, and also how to display images in booking screen headers.


Upload Images

Images are uploaded to your site via the Joomla Media Manager. 

You can create folder(s) for ABPro images, this is not required but helps to keep images organized.


Enable DDSlick

To have ABPro use ddSlick for drop down lists yo need to enable it. 

This is done in the ABPro Configure screen, Basic Setup tab, near the bottom..



Assign Images

Once you have the images up, you can assign them to ABPro resources, categories and/or services in the appropriate setup screen.

Here we set a resource image in the Resource setup screen..



Enter the path to the Image within the Joomla media manager. If you did not create folders in the media manager then just enter the image file name.


You can also set Image Text that will appear below the image.



If you wish to also show the image in the booking screen header, set Show in Grid to Yes.